Day one of AssistiveTechnology - Exciting! As the Learning Design Consultant for NBCC many opportunities await! As I am becoming more and more knowledgeable on the 'technical' aspects of assistive technology (imagine using my Ipod Touch for more than just the LoseIt weight loss App!) I also strengthen the application of "student centered".
As described by our instructor, collaboration, communication and a team understanding of the constant philosophy that "we must presume competency" is the methodology and practical application for the rewards of assistive technology. Hence, the Suzie Rubin video, (college student with Autism who is a champion of learning and perseverance) reinforced the reality of this philosophy.
Part of AT class instruction was to reflect on video presentations of local students using and leading successful lives with assistive technology. The common theme is collaboration among all invested parties. Professional development for all involved is paramount in the successful growth and future initiatives. Communication was a definite theme, but the epiphany for all instructors is to PRESUME COMPETENCY. I wondered how many of my college students walk through the halls with LDs that are not identified, as well as how can the college system better design sound curriculum to include assistive technology. My educational role is to not only prepare my students for work, but to also collaborate with the local employer and community industries to present assistive technology alternatives for our graduates.
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