Today was the day our group (Jill, Sascha, Carolyn) went off to plan, video, and edit ' Katelyn's' story (fictitious). It was awesome. We were a team of educators, learning disabled specialists, actors and videographers who creatively designed and developed a socially appropriate story to benefit a little girl with autism. Katelyn was 1) to walk to the bus line up, 2) wait her turn to get on the bus, 3) get on the bus and wave to the bus driver, 4) get her seat belt on, 5) use her Ipod Itouch on the bus to relax and get calm, 6) take her turn getting off the bus, and then greet her Mom.
Once you break down the appropriate methods so a child with autism can use this video for repetitive learning, it doesn't seem like it would be a difficult process to prepare. We were wrong. It took three hours to edit a one minute video. I would definitely give our group an A for professionalism, productivity and empathy. We worked seamlessly together..and had fun doing it! I'm not suggesting that any of us will get an Oscar nod this year for our acting abilities, but at least get a Golden Globe! The time and energy that it takes to script and then edit a one or two minute video is pain-staking long. We questioned how many teachers or instructors would steer away from this method of teaching appropriate behavior, for the simple fact that is a meticulous and tedious exercise...although very very rewarding. Tomorrow - the film debut!
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